Building and Grounds
Reminder for any new members. There are two cell phones on the property for emergency use only. One is located on the rifle range near the sign in cabinet and the other is in the clubhouse entrance. These phones only work if you dial 911. The battery chargers are always plugged in so the phones should be ready at all times. A reminder, when calling 911 you may be connected with Butler County. Ask to be transferred to Allegheny County 911.
If you suspect someone doesn’t belong on club property because they are not displaying their membership (access) card with the current years sticker or they are acting suspiciously, we would hope you would ask to see their access card for proof of membership. This is especially important when they are using the ranges during the week when few members are around the facility. If they are not a member, be courteous, find out if they have a valid reason for being there and if not, ask them to leave. If they won’t leave, you could dial 911 and summon the police or if your uncomfortable, get their license plate number and get that information, along with a description of the person to any officer or director at the club ASAP. The club is your property and we all want to keep it safe. Unauthorized visitors ( not accompanied by a member) pose un necessary risks to the club and its members; like you. We need to police our own ranks.
Our grounds are magnificently groomed
Parking is plentiful
Our General Meetings are held on the first Tuesdays of each month at 7:30 pm.
The Board of Directors meet on the third Tuesdays of each month at 7:00 pm.
All members are welcome at both meetings.