Northside Sportsmen’s Association’s Annual Family Picnic will be held on Saturday, September 12th, 2015 from 12:00 Noon until 6:00pm. All members, family, and friends are welcome. Food will be served at 2:30pm. Members and their immediate family members (spouse and children under 18) are free with current 2015 membership. Guests are $15.00 per person. 

Please RSVP by September 2nd via email (membership@ or by leaving a voicemail message at (724) 230-4740. Please list your membership number, the # of family members attending, and the # of guests attending.
Also, please be advised that you should receive your 2016 renewal paperwork in the mail the week of August 31st. This is our first year sending out renewals using our new software and card system, which has caused a slight delay. Please do not send your 2016 dues in before receiving your renewal paperwork in the mail. Dues sent in without the renewal return paperwork will be returned unprocessed. Rest assured that we are hard at work to ensure this delay will not hinder your ability to utilize the club.
Please direct all current and future questions, concerns, or issues regarding membership to the Membership Chairman. This will ensure that you are receiving accurate information in a timely manner as it negates the need for other Directors and Officers of the club to pass the message along.
Thanks in advance for your patience!