Author Archives: Glen Beattie
May 8 Vintage Rifle Match Postponed to be Rescheduled at a Later Date
M1 Garand / Vintage Military Rifle Match postponed.
Today’s M1 Garand / Vintage Military Rifle Match is postponed. Look forward to an update shortly.
Rifle Range Closure May 15, 8:00 – 10:00
The NSSA rifle range will be closed on Saturday, May 15th from 8:00 until 10:00 for range maintenance.
Sight-In Day on Sunday, November 15 is CANCELLED
The Hunting Rifle Sight-In Day for Sunday, November 15 is cancelled. The rifle range will be open for all regular activity, as always.
Sight-In Days will continue next weekend, November 21 & 22.
2020 Sight-in Days
Saturday Nov 14/Sunday Nov 15
Saturday Nov 21/Sunday Nov 22
8 AM til 4 PM
At the rifle range
325 Mt Pleasant Road
Warrendale, PA 15086
Sight in your old or new hunting rifle, muzzleloader, or slug gun for the coming hunting season. This event is open to the public, $1/firearm for NSSA members, $2/firearm for non-members. You supply firearms and ammo, we supply the targets, at 100 yards. We will supply target spotting if you don’t have a scope, and advice and help if you need it. Sandbags will also be available, and a limited supply of ear and eye protection on loan.
The range will be open to members for general shooting, at the above rates. Please note that access to targets may be limited at times due to the need to service sight-in targets.
Sight-in days will only be cancelled due to inclement weather, particularly cold below 25F. If so, a notice will be sent out. The range will then remain open to members.
Sight-In Days
NSSA 80th Anniversary Hats
For 2019 we have NSSA 80th anniversary hats available for sale. They’re available in three colors: Red on White, Maroon on Tan, and White on Forest Green.
The cost is $14 per hat. They will be on sale at 7:00 PM at the Membership Meeting on October 1st (half an hour before the meeting). Exact change is appreciated.
Sat Jul 20 Rifle Range Closed 8:00 – 10:00
The NSSA rifle range will be closed on Saturday, July 20 from 8:00 to 10:00 for range work. Thank you for your understanding.
2019 CMP Schedule Available

The final NSSA 2019 CMP schedule is available for download HERE.