This year’s club picnic will be held on Saturday, September 15th. Members and their immediate family members (spouse, children/grandchildren under 18yo) are free when the member pays their 2019 dues in advance of the picnic or at the door. Guests are welcome but are $15 per person. Food will be served from 12pm-3pm and will include hot dogs, hamburgers, kielbasa, corn, etc. We will also provide games for the children in attendance.
Please RSVP via email (membership@northsidesportsmen .com) by September 5th. Include your membership number, the number of family members attending, the number of guests attending and the ages of any kids attending.
If you do not yet have a 2019 sticker on your access card you must renew at the door. Please plan on bringing your 2019 renewal form, payment (cash, check made out to NSSA or card including debit/ credit/ Apple Pay) and your volunteer card if applicable. Members who have not yet renewed can expect to receive their renewal form in the mail no later than September 1st.
Emily Noftz
NSSA Director/Membership Chairman