Category Archives: Membership
Access Card Distribution and Usage Reminder
All members should have new access cards by now, and they should be working properly. Please let someone know if you have any problems, or if you haven’t received your new card, please contact the membership chairman.
Please remember that rules for using the new cards are the same: You are responsible for its use, and only you can use it. If you lose it, you must let the membership chairman know immediately so it can be turned off and a new one issued. You cannot lend it to non-members, and you must accompany all guests on NSSA grounds. Please comply with these rules to keep our club safe
Additional access card notes
The new card system is now in effect throughout NSSA, including the gate. Hold your new card at the reader or on the inner door locks until the buzzing stops and the light turns color. This may take a few seconds. Then turn the door handle.
We are using the scheduler to automatically open the gate for meetings and shoots.
NOTE: If the gate is open do NOT swipe your card at the gate readers. Doing so will cause the system to malfunction.
If you have problems contact Stan Hoover.
Also, all cards had a set up mistake made and must be updated. Please bring your card to a meeting or see someone in the office to get this done. Although your card will still allow access despite the issue, we urge all members to bring their cards in for reprogramming asap.
New card access system now active
The door locks in the clubhouse have been moved to the new card system. Swipe the card on the lock, not the old wall mounted reader for the inside doors. The outside doors have new wall mounted readers to use. The front gate is being updated today. There will be new card readers but will work the same as the old ones. PLEASE BRING BOTH CARDS WITH YOU WHILE ANY BUGS ARE WORKED OUT. IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS OR ISSUES WITH THE NEW SYSTEM, PLEASE CONTACT STAN HOOVER
New Membership Card Update
Members, please be aware that your new membership card will be sent to you shortly. Your old card will work until the system is in place, so until you hear different, please bring both cards to the club. Also, if you have any questions regarding your membership, please email the membership chair @
NSSA welcomes State Rep. Daryl Metcalfe to Sept Meeting
Membership Renewal Reminder
Members, renewal notices have been mailed and should have been delivered at this point. Please review the renewal instructions and validate your details on the form for correctness.
The top portion of the form should be returned with your membership payment and must be returned even if the member status is life or military member.
Include any volunteer time cards which have been signed off by your work party chair along with your payment and billing invoice the annual renewal amount. The renewal rate will be reduced by up to $50 depending on the hours of service. The hourly reduction amount for volunteer service is $8.33.
Family representing members who serve in the military that are currently deployed should return the form along with a copy of military orders designating active duty status for the upcoming year as they are eligible for dues to be waived. Please be sure to black out any sensitive details as necessary.
Payment is required by September 30, 2014 to maintain your membership in good standing. Members not paid in full by this time will have all membership privileges revoked. Otherwise all club property will be off limits to you and access card will be shut off. Members who pay late may expect long delays in processing your renewal.
Any member not paid by October 31 will be terminated and must reapply for new membership, pay new member fees, attend a general membership meeting and also attend an orientation session. Note that membership is currently at its maximum and a waiting list is being maintained.
Membership Closed
Currently Membership is closed. No new members are being accepted at this time. If you have any questions, please send them to
325 Mt. Pleasant Road
Warrendale, PA 15086
New Access card / member sticker distribution delayed
Due to the transfer of data from the old card system to the new one, and the delays in equipment installation, the mailing of renewal stickers will be delayed. The original plan as previously described has been scrapped.
It now appears the renewals will also include the new cards once the data has been transferred.
PLEASE BE PATIENT. Your new card/sticker will be mailed as soon as it is possible to do so. The delay is out of our control.
Membership Chairman