Category Archives: Training
Introduction to Trap Shooting SATURDAY SEPTEMBER 20TH
(2) Classes, limited to 25 shooters per class. 9AM and 1 PM.
Cost is $10 per shooter
• Intended for future trap shooting enthusiasts
• Youth, Ladies and anyone else who has an interest in the sport of Trap Shooting are welcome
• Members and the general public are welcome
• This is not open to experienced shooters who have shot at a club level ( ata or legal targets )
• All participants will attend class, then be instructedwith live shooting on the trap range
• Northside will supply the shooting instructors
• If available, you bring your shotgun and shells
• The club has a few guns available to loan on a first come basis
• Shells will be available for $7 per box.
Note: Each class will last 2 hours+. Classes will be filled on a first come basis. To enroll, please contact via e-mail to:
Thank you NSSA Trap Committee
Ladies handgun orientation news
The ladies handgun orientation class scheduled for Saturday August 16 has been FILLED and we have a waiting list in event of cancellations. PLEASE DO NOT SEND ANY MORE APPLICATIONS.
PREGNANT and NURSING WOMEN should NOT take this class and should avoid noise and lead exposure as well as chemical exposure from gun cleaning chemicals.
STUDENTS WHO MUST CANCEL are asked to NOTIFY us ASAP at, so that a person on the waiting list can be assigned.
STUDENTS and COACHES MUST wear shirts with tight-fitting necks and baseball style caps with bills to prevent hot brass from entering their clothing or falling behind protective eye wear. You will be walking on dirt and will need clothing suitable for the weather as well as your hat.
Helping with the class will count towards reducing your NSSA dues. Harry will soon take inventory of available coaches and other volunteers and make assignments. All volunteer coaches are asked to be at the range no later than 8:00 am for orientation by Dave Nelson, Dave Mink, and Dave Benko.
COACHES: Ideal candidates are pistol instructors, range officers, law enforcement officers and other people who have received quality pistol training.
SETUP: Move tables and target racks immediately before and after the event.
If you would like to volunteer or are interested in volunteering for this event, email Harry Schneider directly with your interest and QUALIFICATIONS and you best contact phone number at
The volunteer schedulers (NOT Harry Schneider) will handle all scheduling communications. They can be reached at
Multi-state Concealed Carry Class (7-16-2014)
Carry America is holding a Multi-state Concealed Carry Class at Northside on July 16.
If you have a desire to be able to legally carry in other states, and you haven’t been able to attend any of the prior classes that have been offered, NSSA is hosting a training/certification class that may be of interest to you.
A 4-hour class to qualify for a Utah (or Arizona, if desired) pistol permit will be held at NSSA on July 16th. This permit will enable you to legally carry concealed in some states that a Pennsylvania only permit holder cannot carry in.