Saturday’s first intro session was a great success. Many thanks to our archery members who volunteered and to our chairmen Tim Kretzler and Tom Martinelli for organizing this opportunity. Participants had a good time and one member was overheard saying that the event convinced him to purchase a bow.
Category Archives: Ranges
Genesis bows delivered
The bows have arrived! NSSA recently ordered these 4 Genesis bows for use in upcoming introduction to archery sessions.
NSSA holding raffle to benefit Women & Youth Shooters*
Did you know that 51% of the US population are women between the ages of 11 and 80 and males between the ages of 11 and 18? Women and children make up half of the population; yet only 25% of the current Amateur Trapshooting Association membership falls under these same categories. For every one lady or young member there are still an average of three adult males.
Similar statistics hold true at NSSA, where we have 80+ shooters participating in our Spring Trap League, 8 of them being women or youth shooters. Therefore, NSSA has decided that we would like to make more of an effort to get women and children interested in shotgun sports. After all, children are the future of our sport and if we don’t get them involved now it will likely cease to exist in the future.
NSSA is selling $10 tickets for a gun raffle that will be based on the first drawing of the Pennsylvania Daily Lottery Pick 3 Game at 7:00pm on the following dates:
- July 2nd: 4 Flats of Winchester Shells
- July 3rd: Browning BT-99
- July 4th:Krieghoff KX-6
- July 5th: 6 Flats of Winchester Shells.
The guns were supplied by Dawson Enterprises and the proceeds from the ticket sales will benefit women and youth shooters at NSSA. This includes the potential purchase of women and youth friendly shotguns, and the hosting of events to introduce women and children to shotgun sports with a focus on gun safety.
Tickets are available at NSSA’s Fish Fries, at General Membership Meetings, and also on Thursdays from 4pm-8pm in the club’s office. Ask for Dave Young, Emily Noftz or Wayne Noftz. It would also be a great show of support to women/youth shooters and to NSSA if members would be willing to sell a pack of 10 tickets for the club. Any unsold tickets can always be returned to us.
If you have any questions or are willing to sell tickets for NSSA, please respond to this email or contact one of the people mentioned above.
Thanks in advance for your support!
Emily Noftz
Dave Young
*Please note that these tickets are not associated with NSSA’s gun bash.
Meat Shoot 3/29 & Trap Practice 4/12 CANCELLED
The Trap Chairmen have decided to cancel the last Meat Shoot of the season that would have taken place on Sunday, March 29th. However, shooters are still welcome to come to shoot practice on this day.
Trap will be CLOSED to shooters wishing to shoot practice on Sunday, April 12th. Only shooters who participate in the North Suburban Trap League will be permitted to shoot as the NSTL is holding their Pre-Season Bank Shoot.
We’re sorry for any inconvenience.
Thanks for your understanding!
-Emily & Ron
Spring Trap League- Starts 3/12
NSSA members compete in Odessa, Fl
2015 DIXIE GRAND, Silver Dollar Shooters Club (Odessa, FL)
Congratulations to our NSSA members who boldly left the comforts of Western Pennsylvania in January to compete in Florida. Jack Noftz and Joe Zmuda both earned the top score in various events.
Introduction to Archery – 3/28 & 4/4
Trap and Skeet closed 2/18 & 2/19
Due to current weather conditions, Trap and Skeet events on 2/18 & 2/19 have been canceled.
The condition of the driveway to the skeet range is still extremely dangerous due to icy conditions and therefore Skeet is canceled for Sunday, February 8, 2015. Future shooting dates will be on a day by day basis depending on the weather conditions.
Due to extremely hazardous ice conditions on the driveway to the Skeet Range, Skeet is canceled for Wednesday, February 4, 2015. Future shooting dates will be on a day by day basis depending on the weather conditions.