Category Archives: Archery
Deer Season Range Closures and Member Meeting Schedule change
Youth Archery resuming 9/27
NSSA Youth Archery will resume on Sunday, Sept 27th 2020. In order to maintain social distancing, we have divided the group into 2 sessions: 10am-12noon, and 1pm-3pm. CDC guidelines will be followed; All equipment will be sanitized in between sessions and masks will be required at all times except while on the firing line.
When archers are on the firing line, masks may be removed as it is a potential safety issue and interferes with proper anchoring. Archers on the firing line will be positioned at every other target to ensure they are a safe distance from one another.
Limited spots are available in the 1pm-3pm session only. If interested, email
Please include the following in your email:
- bow type (Combound/Recurve)
- If you have your own equipment, or will use a bow provided by the club.
2019 NSSA Hunting Season Range Closures
It has been the policy in the past for all outdoor ranges to be closed during the first week of deer season, typically Monday after Thanksgiving until the following Saturday night. However this year the PA Game Commission is opening deer season one extra day, Saturday November 30- but not Sunday December 1.
Therefore the NSSA Board of Directors has decided that the following closures will be in effect for this year:
- All outdoor ranges will be closed Friday evening November 29 at dusk and will
remain closed all day Saturday November 30. - Rifle, Pistol, and the West Range will remain closed until Sunday December 8.
- Trap and Skeet will be open Sunday December 1 during regular hours, will be closed Monday December 2 thru Saturday December 7, and reopen Sunday December 8. In addition, Trap and Skeet will be open their regular evening hours after 5 PM (4 PM if there are no hunters signed into the Hunting Sign In Book).
- Outdoor Archery will be closed from Saturday November 30 until Sunday December 8, except that it will be open Sunday December 1. There will be no closures of the indoor Archery Range.
Please understand that there is to be NO shooting of firearms during the range closures anywhere on NSSA property except in legal hunting. If you don’t have your firearm sighted in before Saturday November 30, you cannot sight it in here during the week of closures. Violators will be subject to disciplinary action by the Board.
For questions contact NSSA president Wayne Noftz, or Stan Hoover at
Indoor Archery CLOSED Saturday 6/8
The Indoor Archery range will be CLOSED Saturday 6/8 from 7am – 2pm for a fundraiser.
Indoor Archery CLOSED 5/18-5/19
The Indoor Archery range will be closed 5/18 – 5/19 for a private training event.
Youth Archers take on 3-D!

We added a new twist to today’s fun activity for our Youth Archers by offering the opportunity to practice with 3-D targets. They quickly realized the challenges they face when aiming at targets which are at different distances and angles. Everyone in attendance had a great time!
Youth Archers play battleship

This Sunday, coach Sandy organized a fun day for our Youth Archers. They played battleship similar to the actual game and some parents participated as well! Everyone had a great time!
All ranges closed through Sunday morning
Indoor Archery League to Begin Dec 11
The 9 week indoor 300 Archery league begins on Tuesday December 11th at 6:00 pm. Please sign up by email to Scoring will be determined by the number of participants. See the Indoor Archery League Page for more details and full schedule.