Pennsylvania Hunter-Trapper Education
NSSA welcomes and encourages everyone to participate in our sport. It is of particular interest to promote involvement by women and youth. We have recently offered Trap introduction sessions to inspire their participation.
Kevin Bernauer and Butch Novak among others in the Trap committee have done a tremendous job coordinating these events and providing instruction to new recruits. We hope to see them joining us more regularly!
DTI will be offering Defensive Urban Rifle course at NSSA August 3 & 4
The Indoor Archery range will be CLOSED Saturday 6/8 from 7am – 2pm for a fundraiser.
Due to a weather postponement in April, there will be an unscheduled CMP match held this coming Sunday, May 26th. The Rifle Range will be closed from 8:00am to approximately 1:00pm for this event. Thanks in advance for your understanding and cooperation!
The Indoor Archery range will be closed 5/18 – 5/19 for a private training event.
We added a new twist to today’s fun activity for our Youth Archers by offering the opportunity to practice with 3-D targets. They quickly realized the challenges they face when aiming at targets which are at different distances and angles. Everyone in attendance had a great time!
Every Fall and Spring NSSA hosts a 12-week trap league that takes place on Thursday Nights. Shooters are divided into 5 teams which compete against each other for shells, prizes, and most importantly, bragging rights at the end of the 12-weeks.
Our Spring League starts Thursday, March 7th, with a 100 bird pre-season shoot. This shoot is a great opportunity for shooters to dust off their guns and get back out on the range. Following the 100 bird shoot, shooters will be divided into the 5 even teams based on their score and known ability, and these are the teams they will shoot 50 birds each week for throughout the rest of the season.
Sign-up times are 4pm-8pm each Thursday and it costs $10 per week to shoot the league. This cost not only covers the targets each week but also the prizes and the end of the league banquet dinner that we have at the club.
Everyone is welcome, including non members, so we hope to see you out there! Please be advised that during this 12-week league shooters are not required to participate in the league and can opt to shoot practice instead, however league squads will have preference over trap availability.
Ron Halli
This Sunday, coach Sandy organized a fun day for our Youth Archers. They played battleship similar to the actual game and some parents participated as well! Everyone had a great time!