Both Rifle and Pistol ranges will be closed on 9/19 8AM – 10AM to cut the grass, install and paint horizontal wood slats and replace the snow fence used for hanging targets.
West Range Opens 9/17
NSSA is pleased to announce the official opening of the West Range for target shooting starting this Thursday, Sept 17.
The range features 2 large pavilions with shooting bay distances of 7, 10 and 35 yards.
The range will be open to members for target shooting on the following days:
- Thursday evenings from 6 pm to 8 pm or until dusk
- Sunday mornings from 10 to 12 noon except on days when special events are scheduled.
A Range Safety Officer will be on duty at all times at this range when it is open.
Range fee
$1.00 to shoot paper targets
Steel plates are available to shoot at an added fee of $5.00
Email questions/comments to Randy Hoffman
Golf Cart Training at the Rifle Range
Since the rifle range will be shut down all day Saturday Sept 12, 2015, for the annual NSSA family picnic, there will be training sessions all morning at the rifle range on the use of the golf cart.
Starting time is 8 AM and will continue until about noon. Anyone who wants the training and has not taken it is welcome. I believe I can train perhaps 30 to 40 members on a first come first serve basis. You must bring your access card so it can be updated to provide access as well as for proof of membership.
See you Saturday Sept 12.
Stan Hoover, Rifle Range Chairman
Annual Family Picnic & Renewal Info

CMP National High-Power Rifle match pics
Ten members participated in this week’s NRA High-Powered Rifle Match. Below are a few photos of the event. Our next event will be an F-Class match on September 13th. We hope to see you there.
Off-hand slow fire at 200 yards…
The term “Off-hand” is often misunderstood as shooting with the weak hand. It actually means shooting while standing with the firearm supported only with the hands.
Sitting rapid-fire at 200 yards. 60 seconds to fire 10 rounds, with a magazine change after the first 2 rounds. (The magazines are loaded 2 rounds and 8 rounds.) It’s a challenge to get off all ten rounds in 60 seconds and still display excellent marksmanship…
Prone rapid-fire at 300 yards. This is what separates the men from the boys and the women from the girls. The rifle is hand-held (no mechanical rests) and uses open sights (no scopes). And this is over a distance of three football fields The people who can do the proficiently are among the best rifle marksmen around. We’re very fortunate that our NSSA membership includes several of them, as evidenced by the results of the 2015 Camp Perry CMP matches last month.
AR15 Challenge Sept 13th
NSSA will host an AR15 challenge on Sunday Sept 13th on the West Range.
The AR 15 challenge will test your shooting skills using your AR15 at 7 different stages in various different positions: Standing, kneeling, prone strong arm and weak arm.
2 magazines for some of the stages. You will need at least 68 rounds of ammunition.
You may use any AR style firearm and any sight but you may not change sights or the firearm during completion. If we have poor weather we will not require prone shooting – an alternate position will be decided.
Please email to register for the event.
The cost will be $20 .00 to shoot the challenge.
Sign in starts at 9am, shooting begins at 10am. Any shooters not shooting at the time will be required to help target changes and scoring.
Click the link for more details
High Power Rifle Match Sunday Aug 16
This coming Sunday Northside will hold our monthly NRA High Power Rifle Match, with open sights at 200 yards and 300 yards.
The course of fire is 8 rounds of sighters and 50 rounds for score, for a total of 58 rounds for the day. Sign up is at 8:30 and the match starts at 9:00.
As always this event is open to the public. Also, If you don’t own a qualifying rifle, NSSA has two Bushmaster XM-15 E2S A2 with 20” barrels available for match use, for free. The club also has magazines, slings, empty-chamber indicators, and a ground mat that can be used during the matches. This is an excellent way to give the sport a try for just the cost of ammunition. (Note: Only factory ammunition can be used with the club rifles—no reloads.)
I hope you can join us on Sunday.
–Glen Beattie
CMP Chairman
.22 caliber rim-fire match this Sunday, August 9th
NSSA’s .22 caliber rim-fire match will be held this coming Sunday, August 9th.
Although it is not a registered CMP match, it is known as one of the more entertaining and challenging events on the NSSA CMP schedule. Check out the chart below to get an idea of the amount of drop shooters must compensate for.
We invite you to come out and join in the fun with us. This event is open to the public. Non members are welcome!
Sign in by 8:30am – the match begins at 9:00.
Course of fire:
· Sight-in 10 rds. max. 10 minutes.
· Prone 10 rds. slow fire. 10 minutes.
· Sitting 10 rds. slow fire. 10 minutes.
· Kneeling 10 rds. slow fire. 10 minutes.
· Standing 10 rds. slow fire. 10 minutes.
All positions are fired at 200 yards.
Either iron sights or a scope can be used, but scoring is done according to sight class.
If a shooting position cannot be assumed, the next position lower on the list should be used.
.22 LR rifles only. Any type of action can be used, but preferably clip or single shot.
No palm rests are permitted.
Swap meet tonight
To all NSSA members-
As a reminder, we are holding a swap meet Tuesday August 4, before the regular membership meeting. We have more than 15 members committed to displaying goods, and have room for a few more. If you’re interested, email Stan Hoover at with name and half/full table. Remember, sporting goods only. You may bring your goods in starting around 5:30. All unsold items must be removed after the meeting.