3 Gun Shoot this Sunday April 29th
West Range chairman Randy Hoffman and Officers cordially invite invite all to the opening 3 Gun Shoot on April 29th! Test your skill using 3 different firearms; .22 rifle, handgun, and shotgun in an exciting course of fire.
Visit http://northsidesportsmen.com/events/3-gun-shoot/ for the full season schedule and details.
Indoor Archery range CLOSED 4/4/2018 – 4/7/2018
All ranges CLOSED 4/7/2018 for club fundraiser
Archery range CLOSED 3/19/2018
3/20/2018 UPDATE: The range has reopened as planned. Thank you for your cooperation.
The Archery range will be CLOSED all day on 3/19/2018 to perform lighting renovations
Welcome JOAD competitors!
Rifle range is now OPEN
The Rifle range is OPEN starting this morning (12/6/2017) and will resume its regular schedule.
Rifle Range reopening soon!
Special offer from INPAX
Many of you may be aware that INPAX is opening an indoor range in the North Hills.
INPAX has extended a special offer to NSSA members. Effective immediately, NSSA members are eligible for discounts and other exclusive opportunities. Download the flyer from the link below for printable coupons and more information.
Bird Shot on Pistol Range?
The Pistol chairman has noticed evidence of bird shot being used on the pistol range which is prohibited. It destroys the snow fence that is used to hang targets, deteriorates the rack and is inconsiderate to other shooters and those who volunteer to maintain the range.
The shotgun patterning rack on the pistol range is the only location permitted for the use of bird shot.
Email pistol@northsidesportsmen.com for more information