All ranges and NSSA clubhouse are CLOSED Monday Oct 7th to complete the paving project. The purpose is to ensure surfaces are allowed to cure before driving on them to avoid possible damage.
2024 Youth Air Rifle begins Oct 19
NSSA is proud to announce its 2024 Fall Youth Air Rifle Program will start on Oct 19th. The focus of the program is to provide instruction from the Winchester/NRA Air-rifle qualification course on firearms safety and development of shooting skills. The program will be run by NRA accredited instructors and volunteers.
All equipment and ammunition will be provided by NSSA
Dates: Oct. 19, Oct. 26, Nov. 2, Nov. 9
Times: 9 am to 10 am
10:15 am to 11:15 am
11:30 am to 12:30 pm
Ages: Boys/Girls 11 – 17
Sign Up: Contact Jeff Knauss ( or Phone 412-766-2789
Paving project to begin this Weds Sept 25th
Beginning the afternoon of Wednesday, September 25, 2024, Smullin Paving will start moving equipment to the club to begin the paving process. Minor excavation operations will also begin on Wednesday. The paving team is aware of the Archery event that evening and will make accommodations to ensure they are out of the way.
On Thursday, they will focus on preparing the area for paving. They are also aware of the Thursday Trap League event. To manage traffic flow, they will use cones until the end of their workday (around 4:30 PM). Early arrivals may need to park in the upper lot or wherever directed by the cones. Once they finish for the day, they will open as much of the area as possible.
Paving may begin on Friday or Monday, depending on their progress. When installing the base coat, they will again direct parking using cones.
During the installation of the top coat, access to the gate may be restricted for a few hours to allow the driveway area to set properly. Afterward, parking will be limited to the upper lot for the remainder of the top coat application. This is tentatively scheduled for Monday or Tuesday.
Please note: This schedule is subject to change due to weather conditions.
For everyone’s safety, please follow the directions provided by the paving crew. We want to avoid damaging their work by driving or turning on the newly installed surfaces.
“Temporary Inconvenience – Permanent Improvement”
Thank you for your understanding and cooperation!
Jerry Reichart, Director, Financial Secretary, Paving Project Chairman
Ron Halli, Director, Buiding and Grounds Chairman
SAFTEA Bleeding Management Class Nov 1, 2024
NSSA will host an SAFTEA Bleeding Management Class Nov 1, 2024
When: Friday, November 1 from 6:00pm to10:00pm
Where: NSSA Meeting Room
Cost: $50 person (Limit of 10 students)
Click here to Register for the class
This course is based on the Tactical Combat Casualty Course, NAEMT, Advanced First Aid, the American College of Surgeons protocol, and the National Stop the Bleed Course.
The number one cause of preventable death after an injury is uncontrolled bleeding. Millions of people experience a life-threatening bleed each year due to an accident, injury, chronic disease, etc. In an emergency situation, major bleeds can cause serious complications and become life threatening in a matter of just a few minutes.
This program will present techniques that will allow you the ability to identify life-threatening bleeding and build skills to intervene by applying life saving measures.
This course is available to NSSA members and immediate family members (spouse or children who are 18 years of age and still reside at home.)
Continue readingOC Pepper Spray Class Oct 18th 2024
NSSA will host an SAFTEA OC Pepper Spray Class. Oct 18, 2024.
When: Friday, October 18 from 6:00pm to10:00pm
Where: NSSA Meeting Room
Cost: $50 person (Limit of 10 students)
Click here to Register for the class
Anyone can benefit from taking an OC Pepper Spray class – whether you’re a runner, commuter, student, someone who travels for work, retiree, homemaker, college student – this class is for you! This four-hour class will help you learn how to identify threatening behaviors and be better prepared to escape dangerous situations safely. The proper use of OC Pepper Spray provides a viable non-lethal response to counter many threats that you may encounter.
This course is available to NSSA members and immediate family members (spouse or children who are 18 years of age and still reside at home.)
Continue readingTrap & Skeet, Indoor Archery Closed 8/25/2024
Penn Power is performing maintenance on 8/25/2024 requiring power to be cut from Approximately 8:00AM – 2:00PM. As a result of the power cut, Trap and Skeet practice are cancelled, and Indoor Archery is CLOSED until power is restored. All other ranges will remain open.
PA Hunter-Trapper Education Sept 7th 2024
NSSA Is pleased to host the Pennsylvania Hunter Trapper Education Sept 7th!
Click To Register
This is a six-hour training class required by law for all first-time hunters and trappers before they can buy a license. You must pass a certification exam at the end of the class to complete this training.
Important In order to prepare for your class, read Chapters 1, 4, 5 and 9 located at Today’s Hunter & Trapper in PA.
NOTE: You must be at least 11 years of age to register for this class!
We will break for lunch around noon. NSSA will provide a light Lunch to ALL Registered Students
2024 Family Picnic Sept 14th

Northside Sportsmen’s Association will be holding a Family Picnic on Saturday, September 14th, 2024. This picnic is free for all current members and their immediate family members (spouse, children/grandchildren under 18yo). Guests are welcome but must pay a fee of $25 at the door. Food will be served from 12pm-3pm and will include picnic food, water and soft drinks. We will also provide games and activities for the children in attendance.
All attendees must RSVP no later than September 7th in order for us to ensure that enough food is available. You can RSVP by clicking on this blue link: 2024 FAMILY PICNIC RSVP and following the instructions on the Sign Up.

Reminder: 2025 Membership Renewal
Members, the current Membership term expires on 9/30/2024. Renewal forms have been mailed and should be received by August 30th.
Please don’t delay in returning your renewal form promptly to maintain your membership.
There is high demand to join and we must proceed with inviting new members to fill vacated spots immediately after the renewal cycle.

NRA RSO Training Sept 21, 2024
NSSA’s Chief RSO Bob Pelles will be providing NRA Range Safety Officer training Sept 21, 2024
Please have your NRA member number handy. Class time 8am to 5pm. All course materials will be provided. Lunch will be ordered with the cost split among the participants.
Upon conclusion of the NRA training, NSSA Members will receive NSSA RSO training. If you are already an NRA RSO, you may join for this session at 5PM at no cost. Contact Bob to inform him you will participate in this training.
Fee: $80 (NSSA Members) $95 (Non-Members) Location: NSSA Meeting Room
email questions to
If the above link does not work
- visit
- Click “Find an NRA training course(s) near you”
- On the search form, in the “Safety” section, check the box next to “NRA Basic Range Safety Officer Course”
- enter the zip code (15086)
- click search button
- Find NSSA in the results and click the link proceed with registration.